It takes a lot to be the first.
It takes a lot to be the first, the first successful one, the first and only successful one.
There is a responsibility that comes with that accomplishment and a constant weight of fighting against the narrative to minimize that accomplishment.
We have to remember those that came before us and to make sure their names are not forgotten.
We have to continue to work to realize their dreams and honoring their sacrifices that is the truest task their descendants have to constantly work to achieve.
What Can YOU Do?
- Make sure you do your work to investigate and know who they are, for in finding them you find you.

- Continue their work in owning and changing the narrative for they are the women and men that fought for freedom, liberty and human rights and WON!

- They are the ones who changed the landscape of the world we live in and their contribution shape the world we live in today.

- Never let their accomplishments be taken lightly for it is immeasurable.

- They did their part now it's our time to continue on this journey.
Thank you Darline.
Guerline on
Congratulations, Guerline.
I carry my Weekender with pride around the world.
Thank you for creativity!
Love from the Liberators.
Darline on